Self-Upload and Approval on Play Store

We create .apk or .aab files that are fully compliant with Google Play Store's requirements. However, in order to publish your app on the Play Store, you must have your own Google Play Developer account.

What We Provide:

  • Signed .aab/.apk File: We deliver the final application file, signed with a Play Store-approved signature. This includes all necessary signing alias and alias passwords.
  • Submission Ready: The file you receive is ready for submission, meaning you can upload it directly to your Play Store account.

Your Responsibility:

  • Upload & Submission: Once you receive the signed file, you are responsible for uploading it to your Google Play account and managing the submission process.
  • Approval Process: You will need to handle any additional steps required by Google Play for app approval, such as filling out metadata, providing screenshots, and responding to any feedback from Google.

For a one-time payment of $15, you can purchase this service. Once payment is completed, you will receive a downloadable ZIP file with instructions to guide you through the process.

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  • Məhsul Kodu: app
  • Mövcudluq: Anbarımızda
  • 25.50₼

Etiketlər: google-play-store-submission, self-upload-service, app-approval, apk-file, aab-file, cody-chat-app, forum-app, app-submission-service, mobile-app-upload, one-time-payment-app-service